Thursday, April 29, 2010


Ok.....Ive got a Blackberry Phone from Mom and Dad for My Birthday This Year......Ive Been freaking Exciting for using it Now...Still so Much To Learn About This Phone...Sampai Pening Tau.....Sampai X tido!! ekekekekke...

My latest problem was i cannot use the BBM on my BB!!! sick!!! So i went to Digi Service Center Last Tuesday....This is the 1st time i went there :p ... Slama ni x penah ada masalah ngan Digi...Almaklum laa dlu2 Phone bese jerrr....heheheheh.....Nak Check whats wrong with my BBM...and x dpt nak link up BB ngan Facebook...Then drg dah check..supposed xde masalah....but then they told me im using Digi Prepaid! which is cannot do anything!..Sepatutnya if pakai prepaid..even phone tu BB i only permitted to call..receive call..sms and receive sms...aiyooohhhh!! ....Then drg bingung jap coz my phone bleh browse internet and downloaded apps ! ahahhaha...i pun x tau napa gtu! heheheheheh...
Dipendekkan cerita....they asked me to changed my prepaid to postpaid plan then baru bleh install BB service!..hurmmmmmmmmm....susah la kalau pakai postpaid!..the cheapest plan was RM50 (limited call/sms) and RM68 (Unlimited Internet Usage)..Al together RMRM118..Mahallll siot!!!..hahahaha..I have history with unpaid Bill! mmg x brani nak amik postpaid plan lagik! dah serik!...

So..I kene puas ati je la ngan skrg..coz kalau nak pki postpaid mungkin TAK laaa...coz xnak terikat ngan bill2 neh sume...So far ok jer laaaa.... Nak pakai twitter pn bleh!... dah siap download ubertwitter...Then i amik gak Digi Sms Tweet! murah jer ..RM1 per week...each tweet from phone cost RM0.10....Skrg dah tukar digi plan gak... dlu pki Super SMS plan...Skrg dah tukar ke Digi Smart Plan which is amat berguna coz ada plan RM5 per day Unlimited Internet Usage!...

Its All Good laa... cuma x dpt nak Guna BBM...and x dpt nak link up Facebook ngan BB..xpe laaa..xde hal sebenarnyaa...ehehhehehe..

*Latest- Masalah betul ngan Digi Sms Tweet! i xde terima langsung notification from fellow tweets yg i follow kat phone!! huhuhu..hope it can be fix ASAP!..dah call customer service tadik..then within 24hour drg akan call balik!!! SIAP ar kalau x call aku!!! aku nak bakar DiGi centre tuh! ahahhahaha...Just Kidding!!! u know i lurveeee DiGi! :D

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Best Birthday Ever!!

Wow!! im still smiling!!! I am so happy! I Wanna say Thank u so so Much to my dear Family and cousins for celebrating my 28th Birthday!! We are filled with Love and i will cherish it until i die!! ure the best and loving person in my life!!.....I got so many present this year....make up bag from niece,Yeesa...Vincci Clutch Bag from cousin,Fieda..Keychain from cousin, Dada and Lynda..'kain' from cousin,Kak Eyut...mp3 Player from bro, Andy....FlipFlop Slipper from Bro, woo2! and a Blackberry Phone from Mom and dad!!!!! The best present ever!!!!!

The reason why i love this keychain so so Much!!!! Its Strawberry, Cherry and Banana Keychain!!! Yippie!!!!!

My new Blackberry Phone and a Birthday wish from my family!! and YES my bro WanJae and Woowoo are writing in Korean Language!!! kkkkkk....

I Made that cake!!!! hehehehhe......nice???

Dinner at Le'Manila...Cake from Secret Recipe..Thanks to Cousin, Fieda!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mark The Date!!

2PM will release their new single on the 22nd April...what a nice birthday present?? ! im super excited for this one! i cant believe im filled with good things on April! Alhamdulillah.......thats what i need.....all im hoping for is on my birthday ... im in a good mood...i want to smile all day long!... hopefully!

it must be hard on 2pm since there was -fans and antis- ... im freaking scared right now..i dont know what to scared 2 read bad things about d heart break seeing/reading that alot!! and there's some people (antis) also made a statement that directly pointed 2 the fans! hurtful....more hurtful since u know that person whos been talking about u....Refers me (fans) as a delusional organisme over the pm boys...whatever! i dont care..its my choice..i dont know if u ever know whats "love and respect" truly means...

On the other hands...Jay Park will be collaborating with Dumfoundead and ciara! they collaboration track is going to be released on April 23rd! a day after my birthday!!! yeay!!!!! i always support you matter what...people might questioning 'why they said they support 2pm and jay..but they hardly seen on jay's forum etc'...i have my own way on how to support might be more on the pm boys..but i still didnt forget about u..ive watched ur vid on youtube like a million times!!! ive read all your news posted in the proud of u Jay...and im hoping u will be success in future..i know u will!! no doubt!

you are the true leadja!!!....

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Day Ive Met BOBORUZU

On 14th April...after waited so so long..FINALLY! ive got a change to meet KAP @Khairil Azam Pilus @ Ajam (the gambler) in person!!! Im Still cannot believe it!!!! Ajam posted on his forum page that he's gonna meet me and Syafiqah but too bad Syafiqah couldnt make it! its Only cousin and my nephew! super duper happy to meet him! such a nice and funny crazee person!! GOSH!! i Love APRIL! hahaha

Here's My photo taken with him! Such a good looking person!

After meeting him..i have to make a report on hows the days going on with basically im writing this 'fanacc' on ARIL LOVERs Forum Page....

full report is at ARIL LOVERs

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I've played this quiz on 10th april 2010...Its so much fun!!!!!! LMAO!

QuikKwiz search on 2PM (my quiz ar related to 2PM ^^)

** Laughing hard as i saw all the answer!!! ekekekekekekeke...I dont know why i find this kind of stuffs fun!! its really made my day....*Saja jer nak larik dari realiti...sekali skala nak gak fantasy2....baru la besttttt.....I definetely on 'awwwwwwwwww' mode when i of the answer says that Chansung is my husband!! ekekekkeke.....Totally in luv wit Italian!!!

Me and kpop Songs

Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don’t make sense. You’ll be surprised though.NO CHEATING! *And since this is kpop related blog, choose kpop songs only? LOL meh, it’s up to you*

1.How am I feeling today?
FIRE - 2NE1 !!! ooyeeahhhh!!!!! Dance With Me!!!!!!

2. Will I get far in life?
JOJO - SHINEE .......hahahahhaha!! hows that related to the question??

3.How do my friends see me?
AT LEAST THERE'S STILL YOU - SUPER JUNIOR (M).......awwwwww....sweet la!!

4.Where will I get married?
LOVE SNOW - KIM TAE WOO ........where is it???? somewhere full of snow and love????

5.What is my best friend’s theme song?
SORRY SORRY - SUPER JUNIOR.......nice2!!! then we will dance to the sorry..sorry!!!!yeah!

6.What is the story of my life?
RING DING DONG - SHINEE.....fantastic! elastic!!!

7.What was/is high school like?
I DON'T CARE - 2NE1...............hahahahahahhaha!!! high school prettty painful back then!! but now im missing high school more....(thinking of getting younger again! eheheheh)

8. What is the best thing about me?
AGAIN & AGAIN - 2PM.........i dont know how to relate the Q and A....but i guess thats mean i dont easily getting things off like that..its like an appreciation over sumthing..

9. What is today going to be like?
LET'S BREAK UP - LEE SEUNGGI........break what eh?? i dont have bf now..if u ask me to break up wit Italian...hell no!!!!! ^^

10. What is in store for this weekend?
MYSTERY - B2ST...........wait for the weekends to come!! im dying to know what is soo mystery bout it..ekekekkekekekeke

11. What song describes my parent(s)?
BREATHE - G DRAGON.......oohhyeah!!!! you're the reason for the air im breathing in and out! love u mom and dad.....

12. To describe my grandparents?
HE MIGHT COME BACK - i wish i have met my kake'... :'(

13. How is my life going?
LOVE RAIN - KIM TAE nice it was rite??? full of love!!!!! full of 'rain' (Bi) kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

14. What song will they play at my funeral?
NOBODY - WONDER GIRLS (ACAPELLA)......a song tribute to me maybe..when i die..just pours me wit ur doa's..please.....

15.How does the world see me?
I WAS WRONG -2AM.......awwwww...i was wrong huh??? dont judge a book by its cover! world! get to know me....^^

16. Will I have a happy life?
I HOPE SO - SHIN SEUNG HUN..........i do really hoping for it!!!! *finger cross....(2pm once do this cover at kbs gayo daejun...sweet!)
17. What do my friends really think of me?
HAPPY SONG - LEE SU GEUN............ooooooo yeahhh!!!!! im always happy in front of my frens!

18. Do people secretly lust after me?
LOVE LIKE THIS -SS501........hahahahahahahahahahahahaa....

19. How can I make myself happy?
WHAT GIRL WANT - 4MINUTES...........yeah!! i need everything i wanted!!!

**source from my gud fren...fz_jungminra!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Keboringan Melanda....

Best gila if dapat rehat for the whole day kan??? but sumhow tetiba rasa boring yg amats!! even on9 tapi cam ade jer missing...hehehhe...stay at my home sweet home dr jumaat lepas!!! best gile dapat balik coz kat umah kk sgt la terasa penatnyaaaa.....huhuhuhu...kalau kat umah kk, dr pagi smpi petang ada jer keja nak kat home sweet home..what ive been doing tv..on9..then sleep again and eat alot!! ekekekekeekkeke...

Tadi jer..tido nak dkt jam 6am!! hahahahaha..then bangun jam 2pm! gile kan??? bangun2 jer trus makan..thanks bro! masakkan mee goreng! tu utk dah terlanjur bangun tengahari..harusla itu juadah 'brunch' ku....sedap!!!! kene2 lagik ngan 'brown sugar hot tea'...ahhhhhhhhh.......... :D

Dad plak keje setengah ari je hari ni....die balik bawak murtabak jawa..tapi blm makan lagik sbb aku masi kekenyangan! eheheh..jap lagik makan la tuuuu......benda2 sedap x leh dibiar lama2! hehehehe...woo2 is still sleeping!! die memang..malam jadi siang n siang jadi malam......ala2 vampire gtu! tidur pn pkai beanie coz xnak rosakkan rambut die yg 'corn curl' itu...ehehhehe...he's such a baby!!!!! ;P

Skrg dah nak dekat jam 5pm daaaa...jap lagi dah nak tgk 'Music Back' repeated show..bnyk gile aku miss MuBank on friday..huhuhuhu...wlupun dah tgk sume perf kat youtube but still x sama kan kalau tgk kat tv???? ehehehhe....Henpon lak asik berbunyi jerrr...sume customers yg call..nak order cupcakes...sorry laa..a few aku terpaksa reject due to short ari ni..nak cupcakes besok!! mna leh cam tu....lagipun im not at my work i have to reject! sorry sgt2!....InsyaAllah balik KK on Wednesday....pastu akan busy...nak prepare cupcakes for a special client who celebrated her 50th birthday on friday.....super excited to do her cupcakes! design x susah laa..cuma nak wat banyak2...pastu sorang lak..wish me luck!!!!

Ari berrycherrynana's phone (officially calling my 2nd phone-berrycerrynana) lum berbunyi lagik...ader kah minra masih tido? atau die busy?? eheheh...smlm die gtau nak g renew roadtac keta die...last month expired..yg bestnyer die xpasan pun expired!! ahahhaha..penangan kpop kekdahnyerrr....kan minra??? ekekekekekek...smlm gile2 gelak ngan dieee...1st2 tu sedih n down yg amat coz someone bashed over d pm boy! sedih tauuuu...ntah laaa susah tul la nak kata cmna....xpe laaaaa..biar laaa..huhuhu..then gelak2 over so many pics! (u know what i meant, minra!) ahahhahaha....then we two set a new mode!! for me its either cherry..berry and nana's mode..and for minra its either or red's mode (based on a traffic light's color!! hahas!!) memang gile!!! kte bak tido awal smlm..tup2 dkt nak pagi gak baru tido!! hehehehehe

Nak sambung tgk Dream Team On yt!! wlupun xde eng sub..still leh layannnnnnn......ehehehhehe

Im CRAZEE about......

SHINee !!!! (from left) Onew..Taemin..Jonghyun..Minho..Key

2PM!!! (from left) Chansung..Junho..Oktaecyeon..Junsu..Nickhun..Wooyoung

Hello Baby Photobook

On The Last episode of Hello Baby SHINee...This photobook was released!!! waaaaaaaaa...I want to get 1!! Every photos was so good! Every photos was meaningful! full of joy! For about 3 months, the Hello Baby SHINee puts a big smile on my face!! Im so gonna miss them all :( ....

I found this photos on SHINee fan page on Facebook..There's about 50 photos of it...I just uploaded some of them here... All credits goes to SHINee fan page......

"Rindu sgt nak tgk Aegi appa (Minho) kat Hello Baby"....He's such a good appa to yoogeun!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Im A Youtube Lover!

My Italian (*_*)
Hot 2pm Maknae!! need me to say more???? ure always be my baby!

Rain New Song - Love Song
wow!!!! this is something!! i never like Rain before!! kkkkk...After Hearing this song..OMG!!!!! im totally in love with him!!!!!!!!!! seriously! im nearly gone cheated on Chansung! hahahaha...No No No....I will be always Italian's Wifey! kekekekeekekek

this is the last goodbye between Yoogeun and his SHINee appas! I Cried like theres no tomorrow!..Ive been followed this show since January..Cant believe its over now!

Jonghyun SHINee singing one of my fav song! Incomplete by Sisqo!
suke sgt ngan voice die..even english cam x pass...still leh jiwang2 dgr die nyanyi lagu nih...heheheh


...Hehehehehe..Baru create Blogspot dah gatal2 tangan nak post!! ekekekekke...i guess its my right kan? since it was my blog! haahahahahha....

Having So much fun editing2 my blog! pening gak...padahal dah penah wat blog tuk bussiness...Motip jer aku bingung2 bagai...dengan excited aku harus la cam sume pn xtau....nak cepat siap kekdahnyerr...huhuhu...

Hari ni jer cam dari pagi aku online!! ahahaha..kesian adik aku x dpt online coz nuna die ni cam gila kuasa ari ni!!! ekekekeke...yang bestnya bila balik kampung ni aku x perlu buat apa2...ala2 ratu gitu...duduk2 my bro ND ngah masak for dinner!! seyes!! masakan die memang tiptop!!!!! ang2 lak tolong2 kat dapur...

tengah2 online layan lak youtube!! banyak benda nak bukak!! hheheh..mostly sal kpop's 1! gile2 gelak tgk!!!!!

Get Started!!

finally ive made up my mind to create a blog!...why??? coz im getting sick of my tumblr acct!! tumblr suxx big time!!!! still..long way to go! but i will try to update regularly...ehhehe....

wonder why my blog named -BerryCherryNana???? its a short form of these 3 fruit! Strawberry..Cherry and Banana!! its not like i love to eat these is because this 1 person that im deeply..deeply in love wit!!!! ehehehehhe...its CHANSUNG!!!!!

I think this blog will be dedicated about 80% into KPOP!! muaaahhhahahahahh....

"dah terlalu gilakan kpop.....smpi setiap masa msti nak related ngan kpop scene!! ahhaha...gila kah aku???? ekekkekekek....Thanks to my ipar fz_JungMinRa (bukan nama sebenar) yg sda bersama2 aku bergila2 over this! ekekekeke...."

will update when i have free time......

#nowplaying .... GEE-SNSD..........